News — how much is it to change my printhead?

Should I change my own printhead on my Roland printer?

head change how much does a printhead cost? how much is it to change my printhead? print head printhead replacement roland Roland DX4 printhead Roland head change should I change my own printhead

Should I change my own printhead on my Roland printer?

We get asked this question a lot, so here’s the pros and the cons to replacing your own printhead on your printer… Let’s start with the Pros… errmm… Pro… because yes, their is only one… You save around £200 - £350 on labour costs of an experienced engineer.  Now, moving onto the cons… Number 1, what most people do, when they are thinking of changing a printhead is go straight to YouTube for a “how to” video. We’re all guilty of “YouTubing how to” videos, I personally have found out so much from DIY videos for around the house. However,...

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